The Telegram

By Eunice Mildred LonCoske

The same bird is calling

Over and over;

Our children laugh by

The garden wall;

The same bees hum in

The purple clover –

Oh, nothing has

Changed in my world at


The same wind lifts and

The same wind creases

The starched white cur-

tains like drifting foam;

Only my life has shat-

tered to pieces,

Only the hearth has gone

from the home.


Note: This poem was kept in a note book belonging to Elodie Burke Gardner. The Gardner’s, Ward Sr. & Elodie’s, four sons were casualties of World War II. Two killed the action, the other two severely wounded. All four of these casualties happened in the European Theater of Operations and all in the unbelievably short period of 108 day. We’d like to thank Evo G Facchine for introducing this poem to us in his articles of the Gardner sons also posted on this website.

We dedicate this poem to the mothers of Jay & Benezette Townships who sons in the service of their country were killed or missing in action:

Robert. L Barr, Staff Sergeant

Thomas J. Bricen, Staff Sergeant

Eugene Crofutt

Calvin P. Gardner, Private 1st Class

Thomas Harry Gardner, Private

James Gaul

James Glaziner, Staff Sergeant

Harry E. Harrison, Private

William Harold Huff, Corporal

Joseph Paul Olewink

Carmen A. Parziale, Torpedoman's Mate Petty Officer 1st Class

Michael G. Rebo, 1st Lieutenant

William D. Shipman, Corporal

John Ellsworth Shower Jr., Specialist 4th Grade

John Silinksy, Jr., Private 1st Class

Thomas V. Smith

Max Bernard Trenn

Floyd A. Woodring